Photographer for the Albany Democrat Herald and Gazette Times , Jesse Skoubo, takes a photo of members of the Oregon Gold Wing Motorcycle Association. The members gathered at Kmart in Albany on Sunday May 15, on their annual poker run. |
Skoubo photographer for the DH and GT, gets a signature from Juniper Roth 4, from Lebanon. Roth is the mascott for the Oregon Gold Wing Association and usually gives the official send off for all the associations road rally's. |
Skoubo and wife Erin Skoubo share a serious moment when they discuss the amount of children they are going to have. Erin would like seven and Jesse says, "we settled on four." The two reside in the neighborhood in Corvallis that Skoubo grew up and the house they live in was Jesse's grandfathers. |
Skoubo shares his recent photos with the head of the Corvallis Montessori School, Adele Cary. The school on 2730 NW Greeley Ave., hosts kids ages 18 months to 12 years. On Sunday, May 15, they had their annual tricycle run. Children rode their tricycles or bicycles around the block for one hour, parents and family donate money per every lap the children ride.
Skoubo focuses on children at the annual tricycle run at Corvallis Montessori School. The tricycle run helps to raise extra money to assist in expenditures and field trips through out the year. |